Are your employees all on the same page? When it comes to delivering high-quality bookkeeping services lack of documented procedures can cost you time and money.
Through our Practiceminders program, you will receive the tools you will need to deliver a high-quality service designed for larger, more complex clients. These include:
- Standards & Procedures: online help system and reference guide
- Tools & Templates: QuickBook datafiles, spreadsheets and schedules
- Training Modules: example files to learn specific functions
- Quality Assurance Program: review your work and review your employee’s work
- New Hire training manual: sample processing to learn the Standards & Procedures
- The Practiceminder®: Online, SAAS offering that supports financial accounting, bookkeeping, and similar businesses with firm management, administration and operations.
If you’re looking to build a large bookkeeping practice also check out:
- Marketing & Sales: Generate a steady stream of leads
- Pricing & Compensation: Learn how to better estimate and price bookkeeping jobs
- The Practiceminder®: Online, SAAS offering that supports financial accounting, bookkeeping, and similar businesses with firm management, administration and operations
To learn more about Practiceminders, visit How It Works.